A model of access to and continuance in Alcoholics Anonymous



Key Points:

These data from a nationally representative sample of US adults with alcohol use disorders revealed a robust significant association of high symptom severity with access, continuation and discontinuation from Alcoholics Anonymous.

The association of high symptom severity and negative life events supports the behavioral economic model of AA access and continuation as proposed in this paper.

Variables associated with access to AA were also associated with continuation in AA, except for the variables for gender and education level. Women were less likely to attend AA, but more likely to continue attending. College educated respondents were less likely to attend AA, but more likely to continue attending.

A sub-group of US adults with severe externalizing disorders, identified in this study, are associated with access to and continuation in AA

In the US there is a a significant geographic regional variation in access to and continuation in AA


This working paper provides an analysis of variables associated with access to AA prior to the past year and continuance in AA during the past year in a representative sample of DSM-IV alcohol abuse and alcohol dependent respondents in the United States .

Understanding the characteristics of persons with alcohol use disorders who did not attend AA, those who attended AA and those who dropped out may lead to improved AA referral and attendance. 

This understanding may assist in providing appropriate encouragement for persons with alcohol use disorders who are in need of abstinence support but at a high risk for failing to seek support through AA membership.

The purpose of this study is to present and test a theoretical model of access to and continuance in AA. 

The theoretical model of access to and continuance in AA used in this analysis is adapted from the Beckman and Kocel [1] model of the use of alcohol treatment services, the Aday and Anderson [2] model of societal and individual determinants of medical care utilization, the Rosenstock [[3] Health Belief Model, and the behavioral economic models of Carrillo and Mariotti [4].
The proposed concepts associated with access to and continuance in AA are:
  •  Help-seeking associated with high severity and low efficacy/powerlessness.  Carrillo’s[5]behavioral economic concept of abstinence as a second-best decision based on time-inconsistency (perceived severity) and Fiorentine and Hilhouse’s[6] Addicted-Self model, low self-efficacy associated with increase in abstinence acceptance.

  • Help-seeking associated with negative life events  (social control hypothesis, change in consciousness due to increased sensitivity to other’s drinking behavior, Cahalan/Room[7] concept of intrapunitiveness)   Value Expectancy theory emphasizing cognitive factors that are associated with motivation for behavior change.

  •  Alcoholics Anonymous as a self-control commitment device [8] used by respondents, with high perceived severity of alcohol-related problems, to achieve and supporting abstinence


The descriptive statististics in this study are categorical data therefore the chi-square test is used to determine whether there is association between the categorical variables and  access to and continuance in AA.  

In this study the multiple categorical variables will collapsed to form 2 x 2 contingency tables to test the null hypothesis of no association. 

For the purposes of this study the acceptance of the null hypothesis that there is no association is a P-value greater than 0.05.




3.1  Sample


This study was based on the 1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey, sponsored by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism data were collected via personal interviews onducted in respondents’ homes by US Bureau of the Census interviewers.  The survey sample consisted of adults 18 years or older who were selected at random from a nationally representative sample of households.


3.2  Measures


3.2.1  Alcohol Use Disorders

Diagnoses of alcohol use disorders (AUD), as classified in the Diagnostic and Statistical  Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), were derived from the Alcohol Use Disorders and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule, a fully structured psychiatric interview designed to be administered by trained lay interviewers[9] 

The interview schedule included an extensive list of symptom items that operationalized the DSM-IV criteria for alcohol abuse and dependence. Respondents were classified with past year dependence if they met at least 3 of the 7 DSM-IV criteria for dependence within the 1-year period preceding the interview: tolerance; withdrawal or avoidance of withdrawal; desire or attempts to cut down or stop drinking; much time spent on drinking, obtaining alcohol, or recovering from its effects; reduction/ cessation of important activities in favor of drinking; impaired control; and continue drinking despite physical or psychological problems caused or exacerbated by drinking. Respondents were classified with past-year alcohol abuse if they met at least 1 of the 4 DSM-IV criteria for abuse in the 1-year period preceding the interview: alcohol related legal problems, continued drinking despite interpersonal problems, neglect of role responsibilities as a result of drinking, and drinking in hazardous situations.


3.2.2  Alcoholics Anonymous Attendance

Attended AA = Item 7003 and item 7015-2 or 7015-3
        Attended AA meeting during period prior-to-past year
Continued AA Attendance = item 7003 and item 7015-3
        Attended AA prior-to-past year and past year
Discontinued AA Attendance = item 7003 and item 7015-2
        Attended AA prior-to-past year and did not attend AA during past year

3.2.3  Severity Measure


High Severity

For the purpose of this study High Severity was defined as having met 15 or more of the Alcohol Use Disorders and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule (AUDADIS) items used to diagnose DSM-IV Alcohol Abuse and Dependence.   A Rasch model analysis[10] of the alcohol abuse and dependence items in the the AUDADIS demonstrated the unidemensional nature of the AUDADIS items and supports the creation of an additive index of items as a measure of severity.


3.2.4  Negative Life Events 


Mental Health Problems

Item 6168 “Have you ever had a mental or emotional problem”,  
item 7170  “Have you ever seen anyone for a mental or emotional problem – a doctor, counselor, or any othe health professional?”.
Item 7171  “Have you ever been a patient in any type of hospital or clinic overnight because of  mental or emotional problems?”

Health Problems

Item 2244 “Did you ever have any health problem as a result of your drinking – like stomach or liver disease, memory problems, or pancreatits?”
Item 2142 “Continue to drink even though you knew it was causing you a health problem or making a health problem worse?”
Item 2217 ” Continue to drink even though you had a sertious health problem that might be made worse by drinking?”

 School/job problems

Item 2224  Have job or school trouble because of your drinking – like missing too much work, not doing your work well, being demoted at work, or dropping out of school?” 

Family problems

Item 2225  “Drift apart from a spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, relative, or friend you cared about because of your drinking?” 

Personal Accidents

Item 2243 ” Accidentally injure yourself while under the influence of alcohol, for example , have a bad fall or cut yourself badly, get hurt in a traffic accident, or anything else.” 

Vehicle Accidents

Item 2226  “Have a car, notorcycle, truck, boat, or other accident becuse of your drinking?” 


Item 2227  “Get arrested or held at a police station because of your drinkig?”


Item 2228   “Get into a physical fight while drinking or right after drinking?” 

Driving problems

Item 2111  “Drive a car, motorcycle, truck, boat, or other vehicle after having too much to drink?”

Drug Use


Item 5104  Did you ever use sedatives, for example sleeping pills, barbituates, Seconal, Quaaludes, or Chloral Hydrate at least 12 times, on your own, before past year


Item 5123  Did you ever use tranquilizers or ant-anxiety drugs, for example Valium, Librium, muscle relaxants,or Xanax at least 12 times, on your own, before past year


Item  5142   Did you ever use painkillers, for example Codine, Darvon, Percodan, Dilaudid, or Demerol at least 12 times, on your own, before past year 


Item 5161  Did you ever use stimulants, for example Preludin, benzadrine, methedrine, uppers, or speed at least 12 times, on your own, before past year


Item 5180   Did you ever use marijuana, hash, THC, or grass at least 12 times, on your own, before past year


Item 5199   Did you ever use cocaine or crack at least 12 times, on your own, before past year


Item 5219   Did you ever use heroin at least 12 times, on your own, before past year


Item 5234   Did you ever use methadone at least 12 times, on your own, before past year

Any Other Drug

Item 5251 or item 5268    Did you ever use other medicines, drugs or substances, for example, amyl nitrate, nitrous oxide, elavil, thorazine, or hallucinogens, such as LSD, mescaline, psilocybin, PCP, angel dust or peyote least 12 times, on your own, before past year

3.2.5  Socio-demographic Variables



1)  Male
2)  Female 


1) 18-29
2) 30-39
3) 40-49
4) 50-59
5) 60+


1)  White
2)  Black
3)  American Indian/Alaskan Native
4) Asian/Pacific Islanders

Marital Status

1)  Married
2)  Cohabited
3)  Widowed
4)  Divorecd
5)  Separated
6)  Never married 


1) grade 7 or less
2) grade 8

3) grade 9-11
4) grade 12
5) some college
6) completed college


Employment Status

1)  Employed
2)  Unemployed 
3   Retired
4)  In-school
5)  Full-time homemaker
6)  Other

Geographic Region

1)  North-East
2)  Mid-West
3)  South
4)  West


1)  Urban
2)  Rural

Age First Drinking

1)    14 years or younger   
2)    15 Years or older


The analysis found that only a minority, 15%, of the respondents, meeting the DSM-IV alcohol abuse/dependence diagnostic criteria, ever attended Alcoholics Anonymous meetings during the period prior-to-past year, (table 1).
The chi-sqare analysis of the 1992 NLAES indicated that the following variables were associated with access to AA:
  • high severity of diagnostic symptoms
  • prior-to-past year drug use


  • negative life events
  • male gender
  • age 30 years and older
  • divorced
  • lower education level, 12th grade or less
  • unemployed
  • mid-west and west geographic regions
  • early age, 14 years or younger, of first drinking,


Only 34% of the respondents who attended AA prior to the past year continued to attend Alcoholics Anonymouis meeting during the past year.  The analysis indicated that the following variables where associated with continuation in AA:

  • high severity of diagnostic symptoms,
  • mental health, health, school/job, and family problems
  • personal and vehicle accidents
  • female gender
  • divorced
  • higher education level, some college or higher
  • north-east and west geographic regions
  • urban population
  • early age, 14 years and younger, of first drinking
  • prior-to-past year stimulant, heroin, and methadone use
Following are descriptive tables of the study variables and their relationship to AA access and continuation.  The descriptive figures may be enlarged by double-clicking on the figure.

Access to Alcoholics Anonymous


 Alcoholics Anonymous Attendance 

Figure  1.  AA attendance 

Table  1.   Prior-to-past year DSM-IV alcohol abuse/dependence by access to Alcoholics Anonymous during the period prior to the past year:  1992 National Longitudinal Epidemiologic Survey


                                N               5728


Never attend AA                       85%

Attend AA                                   15%





Figure  2.  AA attendance by level of symptom severity 


Table  2.   Access to Alcoholics Anonymous  by level of severity:  1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey

                                                              Never Attended                Ever Attended         Significance
                                                              AA                                      AA                             Level 
                                  N                            4,861                                    867
High Severity                                            13%                                     54%                   < .0001
Low Severity                                             87%              `                     46%

Negative Life Events 


Figure  3.  AA attendance by negative life events 



Table  3   Access to Alcoholics Anonymous  by negative life events: 1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey

                                                              Never Attended                Ever Attended         Significance
                                                              AA                                      AA                             Level 
                                  N                            4,831                                    860
Mental Health Problems                            9%                                    45%                   < .0001
Health Problems                                        5%             `                      28%                   < .0001
School/Job Problems                                9%                                    42%                   < .0001
Family Problems                                      34%                                    81%                   < .0001
Personal Accidenrts                                 20%                                   48%                   < .0001
Vehicle Accidents                                    14%                                    42%                   < .0001
Arrests                                                       19%                                    57%                   < .0001
Fights                                                         29%                                    54%                   < .0001
Driving Problems                                      77%                                    86%                   < .0001


 Prior-to past year drug use 


Figure  4.  AA attendance by prior-to-past year drug use 

Table  4.    Access to Alcoholics Anonymous by prior-to-past year drug use: 1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey

                                                              Never Attended                Ever Attended         Significance
                                                              AA                                      AA                             Level 
                                  N                            4,831                                    860
Sedatives                                                    7%                                   21%                    < .0001
Tranquilizers                                               7%             `                     23%                    < .0001
Painkillers                                                   7%                                   20%                    < .0001
Stimulants                                                 14%                                   31%                    < .0001
Marijuana                                                  39%                                   53%                    < .0001
Cocaine                                                    12%                                   30%                    < .0001
Heroin                                                         1%                                      6 %                   < .0001
Methadone                                                 1%                                      3%                    < .0001
Other                                                            8%                                   21%                    < .0001



Figure  5.  AA attendance by gender 


Table  5.   Access to Alcoholics Anonymous  by gender:  1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey

                                                              Never Attended                Ever Attended         Significance
                                                              AA                                      AA                             Level 
                                  N                            4,861                                    867
Male                                                        60%                                     71%                   < .001
Female                                                   40%              `                      29%



Figure  6.  AA attendance by age group 


Table  6.   Access to Alcoholics Anonymous  by age:  1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey

                                                              Never Attended                Ever Attended         Significance
                                                              AA                                      AA                             Level 
                                  N                            4,861                                    867
18-29 years                                                32%                                    23 %                   
30-39 years                                                31%                                    31%
40-49 years                                                19%              `                     22%
50-59 years                                                   9%                                   12%
60+ years                                                      9%                                    12% 
18-29 years                                                32%                                    23%                    < .001
30+ years                                                    68%                                   77%


Figure  7.  AA attendance by race 

Table  7.   Access to Alcoholics Anonymous by race:  1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey

                                                              Never Attended                Ever Attended         Significance
                                                              AA                                      AA                             Level 
                                  N                            4,799                                    852
White                                                        90%                                    91 %                   
Black                                                          8%                                      7%
Amer Indian/Alaska Native                      1%              `                       2%
Asian/Pac Islander                                   1 %                                      0%



Marital Status


Figure  8.  AA attendanceby marital status 


Table  8.   Access to Alcoholics Anonymous by marital status:  1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey


                                                              Never Attended                Ever Attended         Significance

                                                              AA                                        AA                                 Level 


                                  N                              4,824                                    863


Married                                                        51%                                    41 %                   

Cohabit                                                          4%                                     4%                                         

Widowed                                                        3%              `                     2%

Divorced                                                       13%                                   23%

Separated                                                      4%                                     5%

Never Married                                            25%                                  22%  


Divorced                                                      13%                                    23%                         < .0001
Other                                                            87%                                    77%





Figure  9.  AA attendance by education level 

Table  9.   Access to Alcoholics Anonymous by education:  1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey


                                                              Never Attended                Ever Attended         Significance

                                                              AA                                        AA                                 Level 


                                  N                              4,821                                   857


Grade 7 or less                                            2%                                        2%

Grade 8                                                        2%                                        2%

Grade 9-11                                                10%                                      14%

Grade 12                                                    28%                                      33%

Some College                                           31%                                      30%

Completed College                                  27%                                       19%


Grade 12 or less                                      42%                                          52%                     < .0001

Some College or more                            58%                                          48%



Employment Status

Figure  10.  AA attendance by employment status 

Table  10.   Access to Alcoholics Anonymous by employment status:  1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Suvey


                                                              Never Attended                Ever Attended         Significance

                                                              AA                                        AA                                 Level 


                                  N                              4,789                                   845

Employed                                            73%                           68%
Unemployed                                          6%                           11%
Retired                                                  7%                            8%
In-school                                               6%                            4%
Full time homemaker                              6%                             6%
Other                                                    2%                             2%


Unemployed                                        6%                              11%                < .0001
Other                                                94%                              89%


Age of First Use of Alcohol 



Figure  11.  AA attendance by age of first use of alcohol 

Table  11.   Access to Alcoholics Anonymous by age of first use of alcohol:  1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Suvey



                                                              Never Attended                Ever Attended         Significance

                                                              AA                                        AA                                 Level 


                                  N                              4,819                                 864


14 years or less                                            13%                                  27%                        < .0001

15 years and older                                        87%                                 73%




Geographic Region

Fighure  12.  AA attendance by geographic region 

Table  12.   Access to Alcoholics Anonymous by geographic region of United States:  1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Suvey



                                                              Never Attended                Ever Attended         Significance

                                                              AA                                        AA                                 Level 


                                  N                              4,861                                867


North-East                                                   17%                                    16%

Mid-West                                                     28%                                    30%

South                                                            29%                                    24%

West                                                             26%                                    30%



South                                                           53%                                    45%                         <    .001
 West                                                           47%                                    55%

 Urban / Rural Population


Figfure  13.  AA attendance by urban / rural population 

Table  13.   Access to Alcoholics Anonymous by urban/rural population:  1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Suvey


                                                              Never Attended                Ever Attended         Significance

                                                              AA                                        AA                                 Level 


                                  N                              4,861                                867


Urban                                                            76%                                 77%                            n.s.

Rural                                                             24%                                  23%



Continuance in Alcoholics Anonymous


 Alcoholics Anonymous Attendance 


Figure  14.  Continuance in Alcoholics Anonymous 

Table  14.   Prior-to-past year DSM-IV alcohol abuse/dependence by continuance in Alcoholics Anonymous during the period prior to the past year:  1992 National Longitudinal Epidemiologic Survey


                                N               867


Continued in AA                       34%

Discontinued AA                      66%






Figure  15.  AA continuance by level of symptom severity 


Table  15.   Continuance in Alcoholics Anonymous  by level of severity:  1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey


                                                              Discontinued                    Continued                 Significance
                                                              AA                                        AA                                 Level;


                                                  N                            568                                    299

High Severity                                            47%                                   68%                   < .0001
Low Severity                                              53%                                   32%


 Prior Negative Life Events


 Figure  16.  AA continuanxce by prior negative life events 

Table  16.    Continuance in Alcoholics Anonymous by prior negative life events: 1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey

                                                              Discontinued                   Continued                Significance
                                                              AA                                    AA                             Level 
                                      N                          561                                     299
Mental Health Problems                          39%                                   56%                   < .001
Health Problems                                       23%             `                    37%                   < .000
School/Job Problems                              33%                                   50%                   < .001
Family Problems                                      47%                                   71%                   < .001
Personal Accidenrts                                42%                                   60%                   < .001
Vehicle Accidents                                    37%                                   52%                   < .001
Arrests                                                       56%                                   58%                       n.s.
Fights                                                         54%                                   55%                       n.s.
Driving Problems                                      83%                                   90%                       n.s.

Prior Drug Use

Figure  17.  AA continuiance by prior drug use 



Table  17.    Continuance in Alcoholics Anonymous by prior-to-past year drug use: 1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey

                                                              Discontinued                   Continued                Significance
                                                              AA                                    AA                             Level 
                                      N                          568                                     299

Sedatives                                                   29%                                   23%                         n.s.
Tranquilizers                                               21%             `                    26%                         n.s..
Painkillers                                                   19%                                   22%                        n.s.
Stimulants                                                   28%                                   36%                    < .05
Marijuana                                                    52%                                   56%                        n.s.
Cocaine                                                      26%                                   34%                        n.s.
Heroin                                                           5%                                      8 %                    < .05.
Methadone                                                   2%                                      5%                     < .05.
Other                                                            19%                                   25%                        n.s.




Figure  18.  AA continuance by gender 


Table  18.    Continuance in Alcoholics Anonymous by gender: 1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey

                                                              Discontinued                   Continued                Significance
                                                              AA                                    AA                             Level 
                                      N                          568                                   299

Male                                                                            73%                                          66%                < .05

Female                                                                       27%                                          34%




Figure  19.  AA continuance by age group 


Table  19.    Continuance in Alcoholics Anonymous by age: 1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey

                                                              Discontinued                   Continued                Significance
                                                              AA                                    AA                             Level 
                                      N                568                                 299

18-29 years                                                   23%                                        21%

30-39 years                                                   31%                                        32%

40-49  years                                                   21%                                        24%

50-59 years                                                    12%                                        12%

60+ years                                                        13%                                        10%


18-29 years                                                 23%                                21%                                n.s.

30+ years                                                    77%                                29%





Figure  20.  AA continuance by race 

Table  20.    Continuance in Alcoholics Anonymous by race: 1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey

                                                              Discontinued                   Continued                Significance
                                                              AA                                    AA                             Level 
                                      N                          560                                  292
White                                                            89%                                92%
Black                                                              9%                                  5%   
Amer Indian/Alaska Native                                2%                                  2%
Asian/Pac Islander                                          0%                                   0%


Black                                                            9%                                 5%                            n.s.

Other                                                          91%                                95%


Marital Status


Figure  21.  AA continuance by marital status 

Table  21.     Continuance in Alcoholics Anonymous by marital status: 1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey


                                                              Discontinued                   Continued                Significance
                                                              AA                                        AA                             Level 


                            N                          568                                     299

Married                                                        43%                                    37 %                   

Cohabit                                                          4%                                      6%                                         

Widowed                                                        3%              `                     4%

Divorced                                                       22%                                   26%

Separated                                                       5%                                     6%

Never Married                                            23%                                  21%


Divorced                                                        22%                                  26%                            n.s.

Other                                                              78%                                    74%





Figure  22.  AA continuance by education level 


Table  22.    Continuance in Alcoholics Anonymous by education: 1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey


                                                              Discontinued                   Continued                Significance
                                                              AA                                        AA                             Level


                        N                                        560                                    297


Grade 7 or less                                                    3%                                        1%

Grade 8                                                                2%                                        2%

Grade 9-11                                                          15%                                      12%

Grade 12                                                             36%                                     29%

Some College                                                    29%                                      30%

College graduate                                              15%                                       25% 


Some college or higher                                    45%                                      55%                        < .01

12 grade or lower                                               55%                                      45 % 



 Employment Status


Figure  23.  AA continuance by employment status 


Table  23.    Continuance in Alcoholics Anonymous by employment status: 1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey

                                                              Discontinued                   Continued                Significance
                                                              AA                                    AA                             Level 
                                      N                          551                              294
Employed                                                    68%                               67%   
Unemployed                                                12%                               10%
Retired                                                         9%                                  7%
In-school                                                      4%                                  5%
Full time homemaker                                      6%                                  7%
Other                                                            2%                                  3%


Unemployed                                                12%                                  10%                n.s.
Other                                                                         88%                                           90%

Figure   24.  AA continuance by geographic region of United States


Table  24.    Continuance in Alcoholics Anonymous by geographic region: 1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey

                                                              Discontinued                   Continued                Significance
                                                              AA                                    AA                             Level 
                                      N                          568                             299
North-East                                                  14%                            19%
Mid-West                                                    32%                            26%
South                                                          25%                            22%
West                                                           29%                            33%

Mid-West and South                                57%                              48%                              < .05

North-East and West                               43%                              52%


Urban / Rural Population


Figure  25.  AA continuance by urban / rural population 


Table  25.    Continuance in Alcoholics Anonymous by urban/rural population: 1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey

                                                              Discontinued                   Continued                Significance
                                                              AA                                    AA                             Level 
                                      N                          552                            292
Urban                                                          75%                            81%                            n.s.
Rural                                                           25%                           19%


Age First Use of Alcohol


Figure  26.  AA continuance by age of first alcohol use 

Table  26.    Continuance in Alcoholics Anonymous by age of first use of alcohol: 1992 National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey

                                                              Discontinued                   Continued                Significance
                                                              AA                                    AA                             Level 
                                      N                          567                           297

14 years or less                                                        24%                                  34%                                < .01

15 years and older                                                   76%                                   66%




5.  Conclusion 

These data from a nationally representative sample of US adults with alcohol use disorders revealed a robust significant association of high symptom severity with access, continuation and discontinuation from Alcoholics Anonymous.
The association of high symptom severity and negative life events supports the behavioral economic model of AA access and continuation as proposed in this paper.
Variables associated with access to AA were also associated with continuation in AA, except for the variables for gender and education level.   Women were less likely to attend AA, but more likely to continue attending.  College educated respondents were less likely to attend AA, but more likely to continue attending. 
The data show that only a small portion, 15%, of US adults with alcohol use disorders ever access Alcoholics Anonymous.   This finding reflects the small portion, only 20%, of adults with alcohol use disorders who have severe alcohol use disorders.  

Alcohol use disorders as defined by the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse/dependence is a heterogeneous classification including a broad range of symptom severity.  The Edwards-Gross [11]model of alcohol dependence syndrome, which is the basis for the DSM psychiatric diagnostic classification, interchangeably uses the terms alcohol depndence and alcoholism as equivalents without regard to severity. 

In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous chapter 3, “More About Alcoholism”[12], the authors describe the “real alcoholics” as “men and women who have lost the ability to control our drinking.”  The measure of high severity in this study appears to replicate the AA concept of “real alcoholics”.

The results in this study support the concept that the “real alcoholics”, the severely dependent alcohol abuse/dependence respondents form a coherent sub-group within the broad spectrum of alcohol use disorders. 

This study’s findings of externalized psychopathology, i.e. co-morbidity, illicit drug use, negative life events, early drinking,  and marital dysfunction in the  severe “real alcoholics” support the Krueger et. al [13]model of externalizing disorders spectrum. 

 Findings from genetic association analyses by Dick et al[14] and Patrick et al [15] would suggest that the severe “real alcoholic” group identified in this study represent a sub-group with a deficit of central nervous system inhibition and/or an excess of central nervous system excitation.  Beigliter and Porjesz [16]  previously proposed a model in which they suggest that this central nervous system hyperexcitabilty reflects a disequalibrium in the homeostatic mechanisms that are responsible for maintaing a balance betwen excitation and inhibition.

Dick et al in their association analysis of a candidate gene CHRM2, in the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism, demonstrated involement in a broader spectrum of externalizing disorders, suggesting that CHRM2 is involved in alcohol dependence via more general disinhibitory pathways.

Patrick et al  found that higher scores on the externalizing factor, reflecting greater severity and breadth of externalizing symptoms, were associated with smaller P300 amplitude.  Severity of externalizing symptoms was derived from symptom count of alcohol dependence and illicit drug dependence.  Severity in the Patrick et al study appears to be similar to the additive measure of high severity in this study.

The sub-group of adults with severe alcohol use disorders identified in this study appears to represent a clinical phenotype for future epidemiological genetic population research to further explore the Begleiter and Porjesz disinhibitory model.

This study has significant limitations.  The data is cross-sectional and is over 15 years old.  The analysis is bivariant, the findings in this study indicate the need for future multivariant research using severity as a principal component.

Additional research is needed to understand the  study’s findings of significant geographic regional differences in access and continuation in AA.

The data on continuation and discontinuation from AA does not include information on relapse and drinking behavior following discontinuance or continuance in AA.   Additional research findings on drinking behavior outcomes outcomes following discontinuance and during continuance in AA are provided in a subsequent Knol report,  CHARACTERISTICS OF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEMBERSHIP: 1992.